February 9, 2009

Home Visit

Later in the day we went on a home visit to two of the children sponsored by Light for Children. The home visits are meant to update the profiles of the children and check-in on how they are doing.

It's a tricky situations sometimes as well. AIDS comes with a big stigma here, and just because a child is sponsored by Light for Children doesn't mean he or she has it. It is not discussed during the visits as sometimes even the children or the rest of their family do not know for fear of being stigmatized and cast out of their living situation. As a journalist, I tread lightly in the situation.

In all, though, the home visits are a good chance to check-in on how school and life and family are going and for the volunteers to meet the kids, who are welcoming but can be shy just like any kids, whether they are used to meeting obronis or not.


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