The Free Lance-Star began a series last week to localize and put faces on the stimulus package. It's called
The Stimulus: Bringing It Home. This began with an idea by Mike Morones, my co-worker here in the photography department, initially dealing with Obama's agenda. We planned that one out, but due to some happenings at the paper in January, it never took off. That plan got adapted by a reporter, Bill Freehling, to now be this series. I think it should prove to be some heartfelt stories and a strong package, running occasionally over the next few weeks, and being 15 stories long.
It's been a lot of work planning it out, building the multimedia presentation for it with the help of Alex Russell, and then updating that as the stories run. We're going to keep working on it and improving it throughout the series as well. Figure why not make it all that it can be when we actually have the chance to do so?
I was lucky enough to get to shoot the kickoff story, and I was actually happy with out it turned out. Got to meet a couple of great first-time home buyers, who give my currently renting and leasing self some hope.
Tracy and I spent hours talking and chatting as we waited for delivery men to arrive and handymen to show up. I really enjoyed our conversations.